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What are the characteristics of settlements?
Settlements come in all different shapes, sizes and locations. The function of a settlement can be identified by looking at its shape, size, site and situation.
Find out more about this topic below:
What is a settlement?
What do we mean by site and situation of a settlement?
What are the functions of a settlement?
What is a settlement hierarchy?
What is a settlement?
A settlement is a place where people live. A settlement could be anything from an isolated farmhouse to a mega city (settlement with over 10 million people).
Settlements can either be temporary or permanent. Temporary settlements include things such as refugee camps.
Recreational - fun, non-essentials like parks.Transport - roads, railways, and airports.Agricultural - farmland.Residential - housing.Commercial - businesses and factories.
Answer: A. Earth and the Moon share many compositional characteristics
According to the giant impact theory, the Moon formed when an object of the size of Mars and geologically similar to Earth (which was called Theia by scientifics) crashed into the primitive Earth. With this collision, vaporized pieces of the crust of the young Earth were thrown into space. After this, the expelled particles were united by the action of gravity, creating the Moon.
This theory could explain in a certain way the reason why the Moon is predominantly composed of elements similar to those found on Earth, but lighter, making it less dense than Earth, since the material that formed it came from the crust, leaving the rocky core of the planet intact. This was verified by the samples of rocks brought from the Apollo missions, which indicate that it is composed mostly of the same components of the Earth.
Answer: Narmada
I might not be right but I came across this question A while ago so..
D or c because one of them was agriculture that would be c but they also did the other two known as d but swaying towards c
Answer: B
Explanation: Good luck! :D