King Leopold II hired Stanley to arrange trade treaties which promoted Britain, France and Germany to join in a scramble for African land.
"In 768 Charlemagne became king of the Franks. He fought to increase his power and territory and greatly expanded his empire. As a result, much of the original Roman empire fell under his rule. He was responsible for the creation of schools and the spread of Christianity throughout Europe.
For the next 71 days, Indian protesters at Wounded Knee would hold off the federal government at gunpoint. Media from around the world would give the siege day-by-day coverage. And Native Americans from across the nation would come to Wounded Knee to be part of what they hoped would be a new beginning.
the Mississippi River basin
In 1803, the United States purchased imperial rights to the western half of the Mississippi River basin from France as part of the Louisiana Purchase. The agreement gave the US sole authority to obtain the land from the indigenous peoples, either through contract or conquest.