One of the different working conditions of slaves in the antebellum south was that these quarters consisted of a large grouping of rudely made cabins. Within these slave barracks, black families began to seize, hold, and extended families slowly gained approval for living together within the same homestead. This provided for the cultivation and flourishment of the black community. Southern slaves also tasted a small dose of freedom when allowed to plant and manage their own, small cash crops. This added to the home realm in which black life and expression overrode white intervention. The home began to represent more than just a form of shelter... it became the haven for the development of the African-American experience
Another one of the different working conditions of slaves in the Antebellum south was that many owners had experienced such runaway rates and unsettled behavior from their male slaves that they were forced to begin to buy more females, even though they were not considered as a valuable commodity. The main reason for the purchasing of slave woman had definitely been for reasons that involved the slaveholder's sexual desires rather than the female's economic potential. But slave masters soon began to buy an equal amount of black women and men for their plantations in order to ensure families and hence stable slave behavior. A married male slave had more responsibility to his mate and children and therefore would be more deterred from trying to escape.
Hope this helps
Answer:they believed that the advancing Red Army would save them and they (as a people) were dispersed to many nations. Hitler could not exterminate all of them
Preventing goods from entering or leaving the city
I took the test and got it right. Also because the soldiers would still need things to come for themselves.
The voyage of Columbus
inaugurated a network of global trade that connected both hemispheres. Silver from the New World was minted into the peso de ocho, a widely accepted currency that connected major trade systems. In the Pacific, the Spanish colony of Manila connected the New World with Asia markets; much of the New World's silver ended up in China. Despite this new level of global connectivity, this era saw major disruptions and changes in trade networks. Attempts by Portugal and Spain to monopolize trade in the Indian Ocean led to the down fall of the Swahili cities and the fall of Malacca. In Africa, the incorporation of West Africa into the Atlantic system drew the focus of trade from Trans-Saharan to the west. The fall of Constantinople to the Muslim Ottomans and Vasco DaGama’s maritime route to the Indian Ocean lessened Europe’s dependence upon Silk Road trade. The Atlantic System would emerge as the premier trade system in this era.
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The answer is OC hope helps