Answer: La colonización española de América fue el proceso por el que se implantó en el Nuevo Es preciso aclarar que territorios significativos que formaron parte del (Haití y República Dominicana), y formó allí la primera colonia europea en el
Explanation: América en el periodo de la colonia, estaba organizada su población, en las siguientes clases sociales: Sociedad Colonial Española: Clase Blanca: conformada por: españoles peninsulares y criollos. Clases Inferiores por: indios, negros, mestizos, mulatos, zambos
Con la llegada de los colonos castellanos surgieron en América enfermedades desconocidas en el Nuevo Mundo, como la viruela, la gripe, el sarampión y el tifus, contra las que las poblaciones nativas no tenían resistencia.
<em>The above seen church represent an example of Baroque architecture shows the proportion of the façade creates dramatic light and dark contrast. (C)</em>
The Baroque architecture has a distinct feature. They are found all over "Europe and Latin America", but the features of the Baroque architecture differ from one place to another. But they all have a common aesthetic origin. The term Baroque refers to irregular, oddly-shaped pearl. The way light falls on a structure was exploited by the Baroque architects in both interior and exterior.
" Four "
<em>There are </em><em><u>Four </u></em><em>U.S. states bordering Mexico. The four states are: Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California. Texas shares borders with the Mexican states of Chihuahua, Coahuila, Nuevo León, and Tamaulipas to the southwest, while the Gulf of Mexico is to the southeast.</em>
The Gilded Age was an era of economic expansion during which the United States leapfrogged Britain in terms of industrialization. The country's economy was rapidly growing into new areas, particularly heavy industry like as factories, railroads, and coal mining.
The Gilded Age experienced significant economic and industrial growth, owing to technological advancements in transportation and manufacturing, which resulted in an increase in personal wealth, philanthropy, and immigration. Politics at this time was not just rife with corruption, but it also saw an upsurge in participation.
First Arabs came into North Africa, then gold-salt trade flourishes on the Trans-Saharan route, then Islam spreads to Western and Southern Africa, then all of North Africa comes under Muslim rule