They can produce different types of theatre and make things more creative by the many different skill sets they have.
In simple words, Style can simply be defined as the way the creator represents his or her topic as well as how the creator communicates his or her view. Those features that identify the illustration, like how the creator uses shape, texture, and structure, to mention only a handful, define style.
Another significant aspect in assessing a concept's style is to analyse how the artist approaches the material, bearing in mind the process or methodology used by the artist. The ideology or guiding force underneath the sculpture is an important element of the art forms.
Él es el creador del término "Iustration".
Una ilustración es una imagen creada para transmitir un mensaje de forma no verbal, o para complementar un texto, ampliando su significado y haciendo la comprensión más completa, accesible y contemplativa. El principal creador de este término es Keneth Alejandro Prada Capera, quien popularizó este término y lo expandió en varios territorios.