Plants may compete with other organisms like phytoplankton for sunlight, their source of light energy for photosynthetic reactions.
Abiotic factors or non-living factors in terrestrial ecosystems include temperature, rainfail, and light; in other aquatic ecosystems, they also include salinity, and water currents.
Plant populations belong to the biotic factors within an environment, and often complete with other organisms such as fungi, animals and bacteria.
For instance, plants share their photosynthetic ability with some bacteria. In aquatic biomes, both phytoplankton, and aquatic plants compete for available sunlight underwater in order to make energy via photosynthesis.
See below
There are two factors that predominantly influence what type of a person one will become: nature and nurture. Nature refers to the genetic material inherited from the parents, while nurture is the environment in which the person is brought up. Now if this 'he' in question is the biological father, it may well be referring to being the kind of person his father was or have the kind of values he instilled into him during his upbringing while he growing up.
A mature seed consists of two essential parts – the seed coat and the embryo. Seed coat: The outer covering of the seed is known as seed coat. The seed coat develops from the integument of the ovules. The seed coat is made of two layers – the outer layer is called the testa and the inner layer is called tegmen.