Journal of Professions and Organization
that's the ans.
Population .. or economic loss from motor vehicle crashes
Doubt simply mean to suspect someone or something
Exposed means to catch someone red-handed and telling the rest how cruel or bad or good that person is
Plead means to apologize or seeking for something
C. He is excited and nervous, but doesn't want Natalya to know it.
In this farce - <em>The Proposal</em> by Anton Chekhov we have Lomov and Natalya as main characters, besides her father. Lomov is a kind of man who has a problem with coming to the point when talking thus making a lot of digresses. Since this is a sensitive matter for him, he expresses anxiety and nervousness first while talking to Chubukov, Natalya`s father, then while talking to Natalya. So he just goes around expending the talking by, as seen in this excerpt, guessing her reaction to the still unknown matter of marital proposal. Then he comments the weather while trying to show himself as relaxed, though he is not even close to that.