In composition, unity is the quality of oneness in a paragraph or essay that results when all the words and sentences contribute to a single effect or main idea. Also called wholeness.
For the past two centuries, composition handbooks have insisted that unity is an essential characteristic of an effective text. Professor Andy Crockett points out that the "five-paragraph theme and current-traditional rhetoric's emphasis on method reflect further the expediency and utility of unity." However, Crockett also notes that "for rhetoricians, the achievement of unity has never been taken for granted" (Encyclopedia of Rhetoric and Composition, 1996).
In a nutshell, Uriel is a fictional planet in Madeleine L'Engle's sci-fi/fantasy book A Wrinkle in Time… 'the third planet of the star Malak in the spiral nebula Messier 101,' to quote the book exactly. It is a beautiful and peaceful planet, inhabited by beautiful and peaceful creatures.
On the way to rescue Dr. Murry, Meg, Charles Wallace, and Calvin make a pit stop on Uriel. The purpose for this pit stop, according to Mrs. Whatsit, is 'more or less to catch our breaths. And to give you (the children) a chance to know what you're up against.'
To fully understand this planet and its role in the story, a little background knowledge is important.
In this case, we just add the suffix. When we add the suffix to the words ending with consonant, nothing changes. For example, sad + <em>ness </em>= sadness or sad +<em>ly </em>= sadly. When we add the suffix to the words ending with vowel, again there is no change, because the suffix begins with a consonant. For example, state + <em>ment </em>= statement or force + <em>ful </em>= forceful.
Maybe it was bcos of the background of the story and hw it was written