Out of the following, the renewable resource is Sunlight.
Calorie is a unit of heat
Assuming that ambulances carry blood for purposes of
transfusion, the blood type that I would expect to be in greatest supply in an
ambulance would be Blood Type O. Blood Type O is dubbed the universal donor (or
General donor) because they have there are neither A nor B antigens.
Answer: This is true for all parts of the surface of the Earth including the land and the upper parts of the ocean. The four natural resources; soil/rock, air, water, sun; constitute the major components of the physical environment.
C) The pea plant would be shorter with more branches compared to wild-type plants.
Gibberellic acid stimulates the stem growth by promoting elongation and cell division, so having this compound's gene underexpressed will make the plant shorter. On the other hand, cytokinins are located in young cells, particularly the buds, and stimulates its lateral growth. Having a plant with a overexpressed cytokinins gene will make the plant have more branches compared to wild-type plants.