it is chemical, not physical
DNA is functional is the transmission of genetic information. It forms as a media for long-term storage. RNA is functional is the transmission of the genetic code that is necessary for the protein creation from the nucleus to the ribosome. The DNA is a double-stranded molecule that has a long chain of nucleotides.
Polygenic inheritance occurs when one characteristic is controlled by two or more genes. Often the genes are large in quantity but small in effect. Some examples include height, skin color, eye color and weight.
- In polygenic inheritance the "dominant" capital genes are additive, each capital gene adding one unit of color to the genotype.With more capital genes, the phenotype (appearance) gets darker.
No this is not valid, bacteria and other Arachae do not possess membrane bound organelles like mitochondria and or chloroplasts, but use transport and enzymatic proteins across the cell membrane to carry out essential functions.
Along with having polypeptide makers, as ribosomes.
Extremes in temperature, pressure, and chemicals associated with injury are detected by specialized peripheral sensory neurons known as nociceptors, who then translate these stimuli into long-range electrical signals that are transmitted to higher brain centers. This alerts us to potentially harmful stimuli at the skin. A wide range of pain characteristics are produced by the activation of functionally different cutaneous nociceptor populations and the processing of the information they relay. Current research in this area is giving scientists a deeper understanding of the molecular and systems levels of nociceptor cell biology as well as knowledge that will enable the focused design of innovative pain treatments.
<h3>What is Chemical composition sense ?</h3>
Chemical senses (sometimes called chemical sensors) are sensory organs and neurological systems that are used to detect molecules in the environment or biological signals and to process those molecules neurally
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