Oklahoma's economic history is divided into four periods. The first period covers the nineteenth century, encompassing settlement by American Indians of the Southeast followed by new arrangements facilitating private land ownership. The second extends from 1900 to the onset of the Great Depression in 1930. The third ends in 1973 with the first of the major oil shocks. The fourth comprises the energy boom and bust of the late twentieth century, along with contemporary conditions.
The century from 1800 to 1900 encompassed the time of Indian and white settlement. During the nineteenth century Oklahoma was characterized by very high ratios of land to labor and capital, by almost total dominance of primary (natural resource based) production, and by unique institutional and cultural features, of which the effects of some remain important in today's economy. The initial settlement by the Five Civilized Tribes in the 1820s, 1830s, and 1840s in what is now Oklahoma (at that time Indian Territory) did not reflect free-market labor migration in response to income differentials. Added to the coercion of removal was the fact that the Five Tribes had adopted the institution of slavery in their former southern setting. Slave-owning Indians brought with them an additional labor supply.
C or D, sorry I don't know exactly the one
In the early modern world the "age of reason" and "Enlightenment" are the two terms that describe the intellectual characteristics of the eighteenth century.
The Enlightenment, commonly referred to as the Age of Reason, was an intellectual and cultural movement that promoted science over blind faith and reason over superstition in the eighteenth century.
The Age of Reason and the "long 18th century" are other names for the Enlightenment Period. It covered the years 1685 to 1815. Throughout Europe and the United States, philosophers and thinkers of the era held the view that science and reason could change and advance humanity.
Because of the emphasis on the superiority of reason over superstition and religion throughout that era, the 18th century is often referred to as the Age of Reason.
Learn more about the age of reason here:
It was the first religion to be monotheistic
The interaction between people and the environment is a fundamental theme in world history. The environment has shaped human societies, but increasingly human communities have also affected the environment. In prehistoric times, humans interacted with the environment as hunters, fishermen, and gatherers, and human migrations led to the proliferation of the people of the earth. When the Neolithic revolution began, people exploited their environment more intensely as either farmers or shepherds.
Environmental factors such as patterns of precipitation, climate, and existing flora and fauna have shaped the exploitation methods used in different regions. As the population increased and people migrated to new regions, human exploitation of the environment intensified. Environmental exploitation increased exponentially during the Industrial Revolution.