Answer: Dear friends name,
You should join my charity group because (name all the great qualities you charity group has and what you charity group is doing to raise money). Then talk about who you will be helping or how you plan spending the money.
Mostly just keep on reminding them on how good it will be and how they will feel great about raising all that money for a chosen charity.
Hope this helped :)
The metaphor in stanza 8 is "Has earned a night's repose" Because the author is comparing both the characters earnings to the *Nights repose* (without like or as, ofc because it's not a simile)
^^ Hope this helped :)
Traveling with your dog is a more captivating heading that draws inquisition.
Your Dog's health is a mundane sentence and the readers assume they know what the writer might say.
How to train Your Dog is a topic that would be greeted to be full of basis hence won't be taking seriously.
YES because they were basically forced to learn a whole new language to be understand'd.