A would be the sentence with a confusing antecedent, because the "he" could have been referring to "Uncle Arthur" or "Benjamin."
Scientific knowledge change over time because we discover news things or properties that impacts how things actually work in the science world. What impact these have on society is that it helps us be more aware of the things in our world, apply these newly dicover knowledge into our own lives to make it better, and it is the beginning step to knowing and discovering more about the world that we live in.
b. The coffee taster will <em>prove</em> each batch to be sure that it is robust and full-flavored. This option is the correct one.
The word <em>prove </em>in the second line of the stanza is used to mean <em>taste . </em>Coffee can be tasted, and the poet wants his beloved to taste /prove the pleasures of nature: " ......valleys, groves , hills....yields."
<span>19 years...........................</span>