Step-by-step explanation:
To convert 0.007407 into scientific notation, follow these steps:
Move the decimal 3 times to right in the number so that the resulting number, m = 7.407, is greater than or equal to 1 but less than 10
Since we moved the decimal to the right the exponent n is negative
n = -3
Write in the scientific notation form, m × 10n
= 7.407 × 10-3
i think this may help you tq
You need 48 packages for each employee to have 3 uniforms
You would add the fabric price, the craft glue and paper price. then you subtract your total from the $16.95.
3 [ (20-4) / 2 ]= 3 * 16/2= 3 x 8 =24
5,(9)=5 9/9= 54/9=6
6/8/4= 6/2=3