A. True
The Hupa, Karok and the Yurok nations are situated in the Northwestern parts of California. The Hupa people are Athabaskan-speaking people and are the natives of America. The Yurok lived near the river Klamath. Yurok means "downriver people" in Karuk language.
The Tolowa tribe or the Tolowa Dee-ni' lives near the Yaruks and Hupas. They also speak Athabaskan language. The Chilula tribes were the Athapaskan tribe who lived in Northern California since 500-600 hundred years ago. They have been incorporated to the Hupa tribe. The Wiyot tribe are the indigenous people of California living along with Karoks, the Hupas and the Yurok tribes.
Hence the correct option is (A).
excuse me. what's a varsity?
The Mandate of Heaven did not require a ruler to be of noble birth, and had no time limitations. Instead, rulers were expected to be good and just in order to keep the Mandate. The Zhou claimed that their rule was justified by the Mandate of Heaven. In other words, the Zhou believed that the Shang kings had become immoral with their excessive drinking, luxuriant living, and cruelty, and so had lost their mandate. The gods’ blessing was given instead to the new ruler under the Zhou Dynasty, which would rule China for the next 800 years.
The need for the Zhou to create a history of a unified China is also why some scholars think the Xia Dynasty may have been an invention of the Zhou. The Zhou needed to erase the various small states of prehistoric China from history, and replace them with the monocratic Xia Dynasty in order for their Mandate of Heaven to seem valid (i.e., to support the claim that there always would be, and always had been, only one ruler of China).
The Zhou ruled until 256 BCE, when the state of Qin captured Chengzhou. However, the Mandate of Heaven philosophy carried on throughout ancient China.
Attachment is a bond or closeness.
Imprinting is a natural process, like between a parent and child.