These topics include: <span>Emotions and attitudes, the self, and social cognition
Emotions and attitudes study the response that we have toward a specific situation/occurences.
The self, study how character and principles are made and embodied by a person.
Social cognition study the effort that people made in order to interact with other people within their social group,
However, the Aztec king was the most powerful member of the Triple Alliance, making all decisions having to do with war or conquest. And he was much more powerful than the rulers of city-states not belonging to the Triple Alliance
A process called a caucus and most be approved by the entire white house
Cultural tourism
According to sociology, there are different ways in which people do tourism. One of these types of tourism is the cultural tourism
Cultural tourism refers to the tourism that a traveler does when they engage with the lifestyle of the people from the areas they visit, the art, history, and everything that has to do with the culture of the area.
Therefore, tourists that attend the opera or ballet performances, museums, art galleries, dance ceremonies are engaging in forms of culture related to the area they visit and therefore this is an example of cultural tourism.
Acts is the abbreviation for "the Acts of the Apostles" (<em>five books of the New Testament</em>); a history of the early Christian church, in which Jesus ascents into heaven.
Saint Peter's life is told in the New Testament's letters; Saint Peter was the first apostle required by Jesus in the early church.
Saint Peter preached that Jesus would stay in Heaven until the restitution of all things; the main subject of the sermons preached by Peter was: <em>Jesus and His miracles.</em>
Acts describes how God achieved his plan for the salvation of the world, through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus.
Thereby, the correct options are the first 2 (1&2):
1.<em>Jesus' miracles were the work of God</em> and 2.<em>Jesus' death was part of the Plan of God.</em>