Mr. Bueller shuffled through the papers on his desk. He smiled and hummed as he sat down to work.
Gary Sato's short story "Seventh Grade" is set in a school with the main protagonist Victor wanting to impress a girl named Teresa. In a typical story of a boy trying to impress a girl, Victor's emotional dilemma is something that resonates with all young people too.
Victor had pretended to know and be good in French just so that he can impress another student named Teresa and maybe even form a friendship/ relationship with her. So, while in the French class, he over-confidently responded to the teacher's questions. This made him seem like he is good in French. But in truth, he wasn't really knowledgeable about the language and that he had taken it just to be near her. So, when the teacher, Mr. Bueller knew the mistake, Victor was scared that he might tell everyone in the class and he'd be left embarrassed. But contrary to his thought, Mr. Bueller only <em>"shuffled through the papers on his desk. He smiled and hummed as he sat down to work."</em> <u>This shows the French language teacher ignoring the reality and instead acted in a supportive way for Victor, something that Victor didn't expect.
The girls found a Dead body
It is so you an remember something easier.
The tiger, a symbol of fearless power, is angry and agonizing because of his confinement, and would much rather be free in the wild. The beast has been turned into a docile creature to the amusement of humans, and the tone in Norris´ poem indicates that it´s a sad situation that should not happen.
"A Tiger in the Zoo" is a poem by George Leslie Norris (1921-2006). Based on his work, Norris would most likely agree that animals have the right to freedom and should not be caged, because his description of a caged tiger reveals his feelings about the matter. All animals have the right to be free, especially when their confinement is only aimed at entertainment in disregard of animals' rights.