Interoperability is the ability of or degree to which two or more systems usefully exchange information via interfaces in particular context. Interoperability can be defined in two ways which includes the ability to exchange data (syntactic interoperability) and also the ability to correctly interpret the data being exchanged (semantic interoperability).
If two systems failed to exchange information properly, it means they are not clear to interpret and not easy to communicate and get proper information from each other and that might result in a failed communication which is in turn result in security flaw.
Other quality attributes strongly related (at least potentially) to interoperability is Application Programming Interface (API)
API is a software intermediary that allows two applications to communicate to each other and are necessary for systems interoperability.
Answer: a replay attack, a replay attack is used so that the attacker can go sniff out the hash, and get whatever they are trying to get, then once it goes to the attacker it will go back to the original connection after replaying the hash
hit the sign in botten or create new account
It is false search engine are used for searching for something