I can’t see the poem. Did you forget to attach it?
There are many kinds (can't name them all off the top of my head)
1. Telling someone you'll keep it a secret and then tell anyway...
2. Always being there for someone and then not
3. When you cheat on your husband/wife or someone you're in a relationship with
4. Using someone just to get some
Those are all I can think of (at the moment). But you can just pick whichever one you want.
In this passage, Paul is characterized as upset. He is talking back to his father and being disrespectful because he is angry about how he is being treated. He is upset that his father called him his boy instead of his son. He is also upset that his father will not let him make his own decisions about riding other people's horses. Paul is starting to feel more apart from his own family than he ever has before. In the story, Paul is realizing the differences between him and his white family.
Rhyme schemes represent stanza breaks using spaces.