Women and men now work in a greater variety of jobs than ever before: women take combat roles in the military and serve as polic
e officers and firefighters. Men work as nurses and participate in cheerleading. More individuals are refusing the male/female binary, identifying themselves as gender-fluid or non-binary. Do you think there are still jobs or activities (for instance, sports) that are better suited to men or women? If so, what are they and why? If not, why not?
I truly do not believe that any job and work in this world can be done by any specific gender person. In the past few years, the male and females the world has seen that males have gone for professions that were believed to be made for females and vice- versa.
Every job requires efficiency and dedication which comes from the character of any individual and not the gender he or she is born in.
The main message of the story "An Episode of War" is that people are victims of circumstances. In this story, the lieutenant did everything "right." He enlisted, fought bravely and was admired by everyone