as we know that home is our first school where we learn every good thing.our parents are our first teacher who teaches about difference between right and peace culture also means universal brother hood so it begins From home
Because they were raised older and did not promote or trust technology.
capital: Ottawa
official languages: French and English
Rank among other countries for population: number 39 in the list of countries (and dependencies) by population.
Government: parliamentary democracy
Canada is the 2 largest country but only has 1/2 of the world's population. Canada is broken down into 7 physical regions: Arctic Lands, Cordillera, Interior Plains, Hudson Bay Lowland, Canadian Shield Forest Lands, St Lawrence Lowlands and Appalachia.
Yes, certain vaccines ate authorized for emergency use against coronavirus
lack of conservation
Lack of conservation is found in the preoperational stage as posited by philospher jean piaget. It is evidenced by lack of differentiating whole and fractional numbers . It often develop in the concrete preoperational stage of 2-7. children can not tell that something remains the same with changes in shape,design, or adjustment of the container.