The movement of goods from the port of Marseilles to London is as follows:
For Hanseatic: One has to start at Marseilles then go through Lyons, Paris, Cologne, then finally to Bruges and then they will reach London.
For Venetian: The trade route starts at Marseilles to Valencia, Cadiz, and then sail through the Atlantic Ocean and reach London.
The colonial boundaries created countries where they did not exist, separated tribal groups in many cases, and often brought
Between 1881 and 1911, the entire African continent (with few exceptions) was conquered by seven European countries. The indigenous peoples found themselves integrated into the political and economic structures created by the European colonizers, finding themselves subjected to them.
The elites of indigenous peoples (such as tribal leaders) enjoyed some advantages, such as some social positions, but Africans were generally excluded from political decisions. Finally, colonialism led to an impoverishment also in cultural terms, as well as an impossibility of political independence of the territory.
Learn more about the colonization of Africa in
They wanted to create laws that didn't directly interfere with the laws that had been put forth by the government. Therefore they created laws that required 'humanly' things of people that the blacks wouldn't have had the chance to do. As an example, if you were to apply for a job your grandfather had to have also been employed. For more whites, this wasn't an issue. But for blacks, their grandparents may not have been in America, and if they were, they were most likely slaves.