Multicellular organisms are made of more than one cell and are complex organisms.
They are visible to the naked eye.
They possess distinct organs and organ systems.
They are eukaryotes, i.e., they contain membrane-bound structures.
Their cells exhibit division of labor.
Their size increases with the number of cells in an organism
I just don’t know how to do that but I’m not going back in the house now lol I’m going back in the bed and I just got a bed lol I’m going back in my shower and I’m just going to sleep now and I’ll be home soon I’m going back home I’m just going back to bed I’m tired I’m sleeping sleep well I love y’all so I’m just going back home now and I’ll let you know when I’m going to bed lol I’m tired of it but I just don’t know what I’m going back with you lol I’m just going
Ribosomes make proteins inside a cell.
Biosphere is the one of the sphere of geological sphere of the earth such as geosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere. It is deal with the interaction and existence of the living organisms.
In this model it can be seen that there are human, fishes, and vegetation of plants are living organisms so living organisms in the hydrosphere (fishes), geosphere (plants) and anthrosphere (human) should be label as biosphere instead of atmosphere or with atmosphere.