they planned to stop the slave trade by disrupting the ships that carried them and both men probably donated to the cause and the press did play a important role to the cause and the northerners opposed slavery due to the fact it has detrimental effects to human life
if you think about it the early efforts of the abolitionist movement was sound they all had a part to play and this also play's part in Detroit become human where androids are the new slaves so when you think of slavery think of DBH and think of the 3 playable cyberlife androids that you can play as connor Kara and Markus
The ones who wanted war were known as the "Hawks." ... The hawks believed that due to the agression of North Vietnamese it forced us into the war. They thought that the United States should do what ever is necessary to win. Doves think that the problem in Vietnam is a civil war.
Pharaohs held the most power in Egypt. They were gods chosen to lead the people and maintain order, and provided a link between the people and their gods
Oh hi guys we will see what happens next to