1a) Benefit - Life could improve. With a larger nation taking over, there will be more resources
1b) Problem - Things will change. It is impossible for life to continue as before.
2) I would rather have a protectorate rule because it would mean that my country would be able to govern itself through its own internal government (though it would still be controlled by an outside power).
<em>Good Luck!</em>
They face drought, floods, plagues of mosquitoes and murdering cattle rustlers
I believe its A. But im not sure all the way :)
Joseph Stalin was a strong, ambitious, brutal, and practical state-man, a man of action and politics. Stalin, born under the name of Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili, of Georgian and poor origin, was raised as a street boy by a drunken and violent father. He forged a strong character and a corpulent body, without a very persuasive speech, although a very clever mind. He was patient and reflexive, very smart for politics. Stalin wanted very well trained and disciplined revolutionary professionals, a body of bureaucrats for the Soviet Union.
Lev Trotsky was totally the opposite. Born under the name of Lev Davidovich Bronstein, son of wealthy landowner Jewish parents, he developed a distinguished and very well educated character, he was elegant, but also fanatic enough to lead the masses. Unlike Stalin, he was not only a politician but also a Marxist intellectual and was less methodic and patient than Stalin. Trotsky wanted a not very well organized party of masses and the triumph of the permanent revolution. He wanted to export the revolution worldwide and not keep it limited to one country only.
Vladimir Lenin, born under the name of Vladimir Ilich Ulianov, was in the middle between both characters. He was the basis of the Russian Revolution. He had brilliant political intelligence and ambition, and he was a Marxist intellectual as well. After his death in 1924, the movement was divided between Trotsky and Stalin, and finally, the Soviet Union was lead by Stalin who sent Trotsky to exile. Trotsky died in 1949, killed by spies sent by Stalin to Mexico, where Trotsky was exiled.
Egypt was considered isolated because the civilization was only centered along the Nile, and had geographical features that cut it off from the rest of the world.
To the north, the Mediterranean Sea allowed communication with Anatolia and Greece, but only by sea, not by land.
To the west, the Sahara desert was a buffer with several nomadic and semi-nomadic tribes. To the East, the Sinai desert and peninsula made communications harder with Palestine, and Mesopotamia, and to the South, the Desert of Sudan made communications hard with Nubia and Ethiopia.
The benefit was a lower probability of conflict or invasion from other tribes, but it also had a drawback and was lesser trade and integration.