Something that has proof and evidence to prove it.
The Cell is the building block of the body
What must happen before a cell can begin mitosis? The chromosomes must be duplicated, which occurs during interphase.
The tongue has a lot of taste buds on it. These taste buds contain the sensory receptors that respond to the food particles. The sensory receptors emit an electrical signal that is carried by the sensory neurons present in the tongue to the brain. The brain has a lot of inter-neurons that help in processing the signal and form bridge between the sensory and motor neurons. The brain analyses and decodes the taste from the electrical signal and relays an output through the motor neurons to the muscles present in the tongue and the cheeks to spit the sour milk out.
Alpines, Mosses, Lichens etc
These type of plants survive in very harsh conditions in which the mountain regions are associated with.
The conditions include a higher degree of temperature, little or no amount of soil particles, dryness and a very low degree of nutrients available to them which makes their growth usually stunted when compared to plants in other regions.