Believe it or not, researchers have found that eating chocolate, which is the number one most craved food in America, causes the brain to release endorphins.
These hormones make you feel better almost immediately, so go take a bite of that candy bar if you are feeling down and under the weather.
Why does sugar make you feel happy?
Once sugar (aka glucose) is ingested – whether it’s in the form of a donut or a high-carb dinner – insulin is released. Your body also releases endorphins such as dopamine and serotonin to accompany this sugar rush, which is why, at first, you’ll feel happier, and perhaps even calmer.
Why does Sugar improve my mood?
Altogether, these up-then-down blood sugar spikes and crashes spell bad news for your mood. Sugar can even act like a drug, triggering your brain’s reward neurotransmitter, dopamine. Even though you know that sugar negatively impacts your mood, you oddly crave more of those foods that leave you feeling bad.
Why are sweets so good?
The top of the tongue has special sensors called “taste buds” that detect sugar and other things in foods. Doctors tell us to limit the amount of sweet foods we eat because too many sweets can lead to obesity and sickness. But sugar also contains energy that our bodies use, and we need sugar to survive.
Can eating sugar cause depression?
Specifically, eating too much sugar may increase your risk for mood disorders, including depression. Sugar occurs naturally in complex carbohydrates like fruits, vegetables, and grains. Eating too many simple sugars may increase your risk for depression, mood disorders, and several chronic health issues.Sugar is found in a range of foods: from a batch of homemade holiday cookies to a bottle of ketchup. Many of these foods contain processed sugar (also known as sucrose), which causes significant spikes in blood sugar and insulin levels. Processed sugar also increases endorphins that can boost mood and provide a temporary chemical “high”Trusted SourceTrusted Source. (Sugar’s effects on blood glucose vary in different people, so it’s unclear just how much sugar it takes to cause a high.Trusted Source ) And sugar may not be the only substance to lift our spirits— one study found a bit of chocolate makes people more willing to help othersTrusted Source.
For some, it may be harder to steer clear of the sweet stuff. It turns out we can blame genes for making us wish it were Halloween everyday, as certain people may be genetically predisposed to crave sugarTrusted Source. Plus, recent research suggests people who prefer sweets are more likely to be friendly, compassionate, and yes— sweeterTrusted Source. But a bag of Skittles probably isn’t the healthiest route to kindness.
Sugar Highs and Lows — The Answer/ Debate
Forget friendliness— research has linked sugar consumption to higher rates of depressionTrusted Source. In terms of physical effects, concentrated sugar sources (like candy and fruit juice) can cause blood sugar spikes and drops, which can leave us extra-sleepyTrusted Source. After a few weeks, even low to moderate sugar consumption (as little as 40 grams, the same as a can of coke!) can decrease the size of LDL particles, and smaller LDL particles are a risk factor for cardiovascular diseaseTrusted Source. Other researchers pinpoint excessive sugar intake as a cause of obesity and diabetes. Makes those sugar cookies seem a little bittersweet, right?
And unfortunately, sweetness isn’t even a short-term solution to a sour mood. In meals that also contain protein (yup, that includes the protein in ice cream), the carbohydrates in sugar don’t have their usual mood-boosting effectTrusted Source. And chocolate addicts, take note: Researchers found indulging in some cocoa-therapy general fails to brighten people’s moodsTrusted Source. Guess sexmight bebetter than chocolate, after all.
So the next time the stomach goes a-grumblin’, try eating some healthful foods instead, like oatmeal, eggs, or low-fat milk. A dose of nutritious fuel can alsomake us smile with low-sugar sweetness!
The Takeaway
A sweet treat can provide a temporary high, but that happiness boost will quickly fade. Excess sugar can potentially do more damage than good to our health.
(hope this helps can i plz have brainlist :D hehe)