In this passage from Henry David Thoreau's Walden, the narrator uses strong sensory language to create clear images - to, in essence, paint a clear picture in words - of the forest and the hills. The narrator is able, through the use of such strong sensory language and imagery to give the read a clear image of what he is describing, which, in turns, makes the scene he is describing come to life.
Answer:To forgive a wrong, you must recall it without feeling angry or wanting to retaliate., Forgiveness has taken place when you can remember the wrong that was done without feeling resentment or a desire to pursue revenge.
Well knowing that people have there own opinions,some people could find it appealing cuz of the fact it seems like a love letter or cuz they find just that intro interresting. but for me its cuz it seems like the person who wrote it really must love their husband so if i were to use an intro like that id do it for the man i love.
Answer: sorry I do not know the answer
that question is to hard
the ratio of analysis to evidence is analysis/ratio it is always the analysis before the evidence