I added a decimal format to keep all decimals within the hundredths place. I also changed the calcTip method to void and the argument to a double. Void means the method doesn't return anything and changing bill to type double let's us pass numbers with decimals to the calcTip method. I hope this helps!
The term "savanna" is often used to refer to open grassland with some tree cover, while "grassland" refers to a grassy ecosystem with little or no tree cover.
- Information services and support
- Programming and software development
- Network systems administration
The company has finished designing a software program, but users aren’t sure how to use it. <u>interactive media</u>
Several people in the human resources department need new software installed. <u>information services and support</u>
An employee has an idea for a software program that can save the company time, but doesn’t know how to write it. <u> programming and software development</u>
A new branch of the company is opening soon, and the computers there need to be connected to the Internet. <u>network systems administration</u>
Network security
Network security is a category of cybersecurity that is related to the protection of the infrastructure of the computer network from unauthorized access and intrusion that may be from intended attack or from an expedient program which may result in the modification, malfunctioning, misuse or unacceptable disclosure of the network and the contents of the network
The category of cybersecurity that 'prevents intruders from accessing, misusing, destroying, adapting, or improperly disclosing networks, network infrastructure, or the information contained within networks' is network security.