Health related fitness is to health as skill-related fitness is to skill.
Both refer to types of fitness related components and they determine how well able a person is in performing tasks that require effort. Health-related fitness components aims to evaluate how able is person's body to perform certain activities. This includes tests for CV endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, and body composition. While skill-related fitness aims to gauge a person's specific skill in specific sports-related activities. This includes tests for agility, balance, coordination, speed, and reaction time.
Over one fourth of the national production is in Nebraska, and Indiana produces only slightly less. Other major popcorn-producing states are Illinois, Ohio, and Missouri.
I would say b. c. & d. because the question is asking how to stay safe before, not during.
The "Stages of Change Model" is also known as "Transtheoretical Model."
According to this model, a person undergoes changes in behavior <u>gradually</u> and <u>"not all at once."</u> In order to undergo gradual change, the person needs to follow a simple process that needs an ample time for commitment. This process consists of 6 stages namely<em> Precontemplation, Contemplation, Preparation, Action, Maintenance and Relapse. </em>
Since making a behavior change is not easy at all, it becomes important to follow these stages.<em> This will allow the person to stick to his resolutions and prevent temptations in the future.</em>
Thus, this explains the answer.
The correct letter answer is A or C. Choose whichever one you want. I think it's C, but you can consider A also. :)