Application of a new technology and is much superior to rival products
I think the correct answer would be FOCUS2. It is a system that guides members in choosing college or a major. It provides a starting point for students who are not yet certain of what they want to take academically. Hope this helps.
An effective team leader shows great skills in every area, shows great support and respect to his teammates and is very easy to get along with.
The insertion sort is based on repetition of comparing one data array (or element in a list) with the others at its left to reorganize it, normally following a size criteria (from small to big or the other way around).
At each iteration, the algorithm takes one element and compares it one by one to the others until it fit the specified criteria. Later on, it creates a space, moving the other elements, to insert it. Later, it goes to the next element and the iteration repeats all the way through. It has some advantages over other sorting algorithms because it is easy to deploy and program it in many different languages, but at the same time it can be terribly slow when sorting large amount of data.