a. quantum computing and telecommunications
Both quantum computing and telecommunications need materials with specific optical, electrical, and magnetic properties to advance, and nanotechnologies open the opportunity for nanomaterial with incredible properties. From antennas with special magnetic properties to faster optical fiber from more stable material to store qubits to super thermal insulators, nanotechnologies will change the way we build and design telecommunication systems, and it will allow us to build stable and reliable quantum computers.
Rapid Application Development is the specific term
Answer is A: place absorbent chemical packets in the camera cover
Keith is required to carry adequate gear while going for a shoot. And in this case, he should carry anything that will protect his camera from the ocean and rainwater. By anything, I mean anything that Keith will use to stay dry. Using an air conditioner would be the worst idea. An air conditioner might blow the air towards your camera. Placing the camera in its case will ensure that it is dry and Keith will keep on shooting. Placing absorbent chemical packets in the camera cover will ensure that any water droplets that might fall on the cover of the camera will be absorbed. The point here is to keep dry.
1. t is a function used to transpose a matrix object. The object is passed as an argument to the function.
2. matplot is a graphical function in R used for data visualization.
3. The c function is used to combine arguments.
4. seq is an R function used to derive a range of numbers, optionally specifying a start, stop and step argument or simply a single numeric argument.
5. legends are used in data visualization to list and define items in the graphical presentation.
6. matrix is a function in R used to create and work with matrix and data frame objects.
7. rownames and colnames are functions used to label the row and columns of a data frame in R.
8. The typeof function return the data type of an object.
The R programming language is a dedicated programming language for data analysis and visualization.