Answer: c) Both
Explanation: Crowdsourcing is defined as the splitting the collection of work ,analyzing and spreading it to make the process of tasks faster. It is usually done on news , media, information , articles etc.
Citizen journalism is the the form of journalism where the citizen plays the role by collecting information , analyzing and circulating the news and other information.
Janey is involved in both the acts of citizen journalism and crowd sourcing by featuring the news in newspaper as well as posting the information on the social media through which she is spreading the posts, story, articles, news etc.Thus, the correct option is option(c).
Catholic. They wanted the natives to become Christians.
Answer: Option(A),(B) and (C) are correct
Mania is a health condition in which a person have elevated and high activation level of activities and thinking along with high arousal.They can be seen with irritation,fast thoughts, unexpected social interactions,high sexual desires etc.
Activities like drawing pictures, strengthening exercises, aerobic activities, doing clay modelling , performing yoga etc can be beneficial for a person who is facing mania so that they can cope and focus their energy on living .
Other options is incorrect because stringing beading is not the activity which can be performed by manic syndrome -persisting person. Thus, the options are (A), (B) and (C)
The 10 provisions of the Treaty of Paris included 1: The king acknowledged the United States to be free, sovereign and and independent states. He promised to treat them as such and that his heirs would treat them as such as well, 2: To prevent future dispute about where is America and what belongs to the British, boundaries were marked, set, and described in the treaty, 3: It is agreed that the United States citizens may fish in the seas where they please, for whatever kind of fish they please, in British and United States territory, 4: Neither Britain nor the United States would do anything to prevent the collection of debt by lawful creditors in either country, 5: British subjects and loyalists who had property confiscated during the war would have it returned or be reimbursed for it, 6: No one would be persecuted or suffer anymore loss due to the war or the side he had chosen. Any currently in prison over such charges would be immediately released, 7: All prisoners of war on both sides were to be released. The king promised to withdraw all his armies from America without taking anything from the American citizens. and all property taken during the war would be returned, 8: The navigation of the Mississippi river would be free to both the British and the Americans “for ever," 9: If any land were taken by the British or the Americans before the treaty reached the United States, such holdings would be returned without problem and without compensation, and lastly 10: Both parties promised to ratify the treaty within six months, or sooner if possible. The terms of the Treaty of Paris was that the British agreed to recognize American independence as far west as the Mississippi River. The Americans also agreed to honor debts owed to British merchants from before the war and to stop persecuting British Loyalists.
Hope this helps! Not my best work but ya