henry ford= introduces assembly
Debbie Fields=expanded cookie busines overseas
Oprah Winfrey =hosted a popular talk show
Princess diana is the correct answer
A free enterprise economy include the consumer spending. Consumers provide a significant portion of a nation’s economic growth. Therefore, consumers are an important part of a free enterprise economy.
Athletes - Legacy students.
What is analyzed in this study are the preferences for different types of applicant exercised by elite universities. As the study gathered, athletes are four times more likely that other students to gain admission whereas legacy students were just three times more likely to be admitted.
The result of the study described how elite universities gave added weight in admission decisions to applicants who have high SAT scores (above 1500), are African American, or are recruited athletes. There was also preference to Hispanic students as well as children of former students. It explains how those elite colleges extend preferences to many types of students and how this is controversial.