It wasn’t because he threw that battle-ax that I turned on Hrothgar. That was mere midnight foolishness. I dismissed it,thought of it afterward only as you remember a tree that fell on you or an adder you stepped on by accident, except of course that Hrothgar was more to be feared than a tree or snake. It wasn’t until later, when I was full-grown and Hrothgar was an old, old man, that I settled my soul on destroying him—slowly and cruelly.
What the author is using in this excerpt to develop Grendel's character is Grendel's thoughts. He isn't really saying all of these things.
Jane uses irony along with satire in the opening lines. Hope this helps!! :)
He thinks it is important to help others
Alright now.
Any sort of disturbing content will be considered inappropriate, and no one is usually willing or capable of seeing any sort of disturbing content, so it may be very traumatizing for him.
This example is applied as a bit scarring, so you may or may not see this.
An isis soldier was decapitated by a man that had beliefs of a different religion.
This source was highly available, since this was seen on the news, and was extremely graphic for all audiences.
Question is, if you saw this, how would you feel?, and you most likely will determine Mr. Pirzadas expressions towards the images.
Hope this helps!