Recent evidence suggest that feathers evolved from scales and suggest that 'feathers and pycnofibers' could be homologous.
- One of the major difficult issue related to bird evolution is the evolution of feathers.
- Feathers are considered as the most 'complex integumentary structures' which are found in vertebrates.
- Evolutionary developmental biology suggests that the 'planar scale structure' is been modified for developing into feathers by 'splitting' to form web like structures.
- Scales and Feathers consist of 'two distinct form of keratin' so it was thought that 'each type was exclusive skin structure' but recent study suggests that they are developmental expressions of same skin structures.
The building blocks of protein are C. AMINO ACIDS.
Amino acids are made up of a center carbon atom bound positively to a charged amino group and a negatively charged carboxyl group and a side chain.
The primary structure of a protein is the sequence of an amino acids that are attached together by a peptide bond
The secondary structure of a protein, the polypeptide is folded through the mechanisms of amino acids rotating around bonds folding into a helix or a pleated sheet structure and stabilized by a hydrogen bond.
The given blank can be filled with latent content.
The latent content signifies the hidden meaning of a dream, that is, present behind the dream's literal content. On the basis of Freud, a dream's latent content signifies the hidden psychological meaning of the dream.
Freud considered that the content of the dreams is associated with fulfillment of wish and recommended that dreams possess two kinds of content. These are latent content and manifest content. The actual literal subject matter of the dream is known as the manifest content, while the underlying significance of these symbols is the latent content.
It is either 1 or 2 but I think it is temp(2)