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How to construct a modern beehive
Hope it helps you
In traditional hives, the bees make their own wax combs that are often attached to each other, so harvesting the honey is difficult. Honey can be extracted only two or three times a year from a traditional beehive. A modern beehive produces double to triple the volume of honey compared to a traditional hive.
The hypha is the building block of a fungus. On the other hand, mycelium refers to the collection of hyphae in a fungus' body. 2. Hyphae are often described as strands, threads, or filaments because of their appearance.
Answer and Explanation:
A gene is a section of DNA. The change in the sequence of the DNA is known as mutation. Mutation always changes the sequence of the DNA. Sunlight can cause mutation. Sunlight produces structures named thymine dimers. Thymine dimers produce twist in the shape of DNA. These twists make DNA hard to copy, which can lead to mutation. It is essential to use sunscreen to block UVA and UVB rays to prevent thymine dimers from emerging in our cells. The US Food and Drug Agency recommends an SPF (sun protection factor) to defend against skin aging and skin cancer. X-ray radiation is a form used in x-rays. The energy level of the X-ray radiation is very high that can produce free radicals. Free radicals can steal electrons from DNA that can cause mutation. By using medical images, we can decrease exposure to X-rays. Less exposure to X-rays prevents mutation and also prevents the production of gene protein in other body parts.
The answer is; The slower the cooling the larger the crystals
Slow cooling allows the aqueous molecules of the compound to find a perfect geometry and grow into a large crystal. Fast cooling causes impurities to be incorporated into the growing lattice hence atagonizing the growing crystals.