Cause it views the structure of your bones using a solar
Answer: Greater mitochondrial power
Greater activities of the enzymes of the phosphagen system
More CP and ATP in muscle
During high intensity exercises the large amount of muscle energy is required. This creates a high demand of ATP. The phosphagen system is the quickest method to resynthesize ATP. The creatine phosphate in the absence of oxygen provides phosphate to produce ATP. This provides greater mitochondrial power, in the rest the CP and ATP remain stored in the muscles. The enzymatic activity enhances with the phosphagen system.
to make sure the first answer was right. So, they do it over and over a couple times to make sure the first answer is correct by checking again.
Answer: 5 GOOD EFFECTS: It can create caves , it cna provide habitat for some species, it can limit global warmimg, and can reduce methane gases.
BAD AFFECTS: It can affect the trees, it can damage historical monuments or buildings, soil can be affected leading to death of good microbes.