Drive is only important when you work for Microsoft.
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Enterprise resource planning is the integration of various corporate functions using information technology. The main objective of a small or large manufacturing company's ERP project is to track its supply chain activities from inventory purchase to processing and final shipment to customers.
Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP).
In Computer technology, authentication can be defined as the process of verifying the identity of an individual or electronic device. Authentication work based on the principle (framework) of matching an incoming request from a user or electronic device to a set of uniquely defined credentials.
Basically, authentication ensures a user is truly who he or she claims to be, as well as confirm that an electronic device is valid through the process of verification.
In this scenario, an organization wants to implement a remote dial-in server to ensure that personnel can connect to the organization's network from remote locations. The authentication protocol must include encryption to prevent hackers from accessing the network.
Hence, the protocol which should be used is Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP).
A Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP) can be defined as a standard network access control protocol in which a client program dials in to a network access server to receive a random value and identification number that can only be used once.
A robot may have to avoid an obstacle without coming to a complete stop before turning. If the robot is able to make a wide enough, long turn. instead of stopping, then turning sharply. For example if the robot were to come across an object and can sense said object before hand. it can then take action into turning before it is close enough.