A map is the correct answer hope that helps you.
Broadcast message
The network models like OSI and TCP/IP suites have standard layers and protocols that governs the communication of end devices in a network.
The TCP/IP suite model has four layers which are application, transport, internet and network access layers. The network access does the work of both the data-link and physical layer of the OSI model.
When the packet is encapsulated in a data-link header and trailer, and needs to be sent to another unknown host, a broadcast message is sent to all the computers in the network to retrieve the remote host address for a unicast transmission to take place.
Answer: True
Explanation: For loop is used in the C++ programming is defined as the statement that defines about the flow control .This loop works under some condition that is considered.
For loop is evaluated to execute for one time if the statement condition is true but there are also chances of no execution at all because of the incorrect condition. So, for loop might not run even once in that condition.Thus , the statement given is true.