About as much as 60% of the indentured servants would die before being able to complete their contracts (which was often of 5 years). Although at first, some men were still able to claim some land after the years of work, in the 1660s, most of the good land was already claimed by large land owners. After Bacon's Rebellion in 1676, planters decided to stick with slavery instead of using the system that allowed them to abuse workers and become rich (by using a system that abused a person during that person's whole lifespan).
In case that the police or any other authority proceeds against the right granted in the Fourth Ammendment, their findings, having been illegally obtained, can not be presented before any court as evidence against any individual, nor a judge could allow to have them as evidence in a trial, because this would ignore the Sixth Ammendment by violating the right to an impartial trial.
The situation illustrated Rule of law applying the fundamental principles.
Rule of law is a system under which all characters, establishments, and substances are answerable to laws that are: Publicly proclaimed. Equally strengthened. The rule of law survives when a state's constitution uses as the paramount law of the country when the ordinances established and strengthened by the government constantly adhere to the constitution.