This is a scientific question because you could conduct an experiment to test the theory.
In the Grand Canyon, there are clear horizontal layers of different rocks that provide information about where, when, and how they were deposited, long before the canyon was even carved.
17 plant cells is the number of cells the student can see
The correct answer is option a-"oceanic lowstand".
An oceanic lowstand is defined as a geological phenomenon at which the sea level is at a low point and the continents are mostly emergent. The Earth has been on onceanic lowstands historically. This has been identified by different evidence, including the Gulf Coast rivers formation of braided channels.
Answer: Options A, B, C, D at correct
Cnidarians are a branch of invertebrates characterised by by a radially symmetric body including a saclike internal cavity and nematocysts; stinging structures that aids in feeding. They are also known as coelentrates. They are diploblastic (2 body layer). They also reproduce asexually by various mean including budding. Example include sea anemones, hydra, corals, jellyfish etc