Dialogue as a Tool for Characterization. In all forms of writing, dialogue can help writers flesh out their characters to make them more lifelike, and give readers a stronger sense of who each character is and where they come from.
Explanatio Dialogue is a wonderful way to show characterization, and also the relationships between your characters. Not only what people say, but the way they say it, gives the reader quality information about your character.n:
For each sentence, select the aspect of the underlined verb(s).
She pretends to be a police officer by dressing up.
✔ simple
Will you change the sheets tonight?
✔ simple
The elephant had eaten all the hay.
✔ perfect
Between 1981 and 1989, Ronald Reagan was leading the United States
Duncan (the King of Scotland), his two sons (Malcolm and Donalbain), and Lennox (a Scottish nobleman) hang out with their attendants at a military camp in Scotland.
Lost? Check out this nifty map of major locations in the play.
King Duncan's forces have been busy fighting against the King of Norway and the traitor, Macdonwald.
A wounded Captain arrives, fresh from the field, where he fought to help Duncan's son, Malcolm, escape capture. What's the news?
Well, says the Captain, the battle was going south fast until brave Macbeth fought through the "swarm" of enemy soldiers and disemboweled the traitorous Macdonwald.
There's some gab about Macbeth's great courage in the face of seemingly impossible adversity and the Captain continues his story: after Macbeth spilled Macdonwald's guts all over the ground, the battle flared up again when the "Norwegian Lord" brought new men to the field, but even this didn't daunt Macbeth and Banquo, who just redoubled their efforts.
Oh, but could someone get the Captain a surgeon? He's kind of bleeding all over the place.
The Thane of Ross arrives from another battle, where Macbeth was also kicking serious butt. Sweno, Norway's king, is not allowed to bury his men until he hands over ten thousand dollars to the Scots.
Duncan then proclaims the traitorous Thane of Cawdor will be executed, and Macbeth, responsible for the victory, shall have his title.
Ross is sent to announce the news to Macbeth.
illustrates the immense power the veil has over others
Elizabeth was engaged to the minister, but an inanimate and irrelevant object like the one he started using deteriorated the relationship between them. That's because, Elizabeth always asked why the minister was using the veil and he never answered, because the veil, in fact, didn't matter. However, curiosity caused the whole community, including Elizabeth, to be dominated by the vein, which exercised great power over everyone.
The fact that Elizabeth's relationship with the minister deteriorates because of the vein shows the veu's power over people's thoughts and actions.
Um this is your teacher how dare you cheat!!