You can find some useful tips via the Internet. Try to describe your friendship by one word and. I think you should write the most interesting events with you and your friends. Write why do think he's your best friend. But you should focus on interesting things. So it would be good if you write something funny about you and your friend.
Kovaloff is a very lazy, antisocial and unbothered.
not too sure hope it helps tho x
Each stanza contains 3 lines :)
1) think something without knowing the actual answer
2) running alongside or next to something else
3) to messily and hastily scatter something
4) sticking out
5) strange and unfamiliar
6) as a noun: a large densely packed crowd
As a verb: of a crowd to pack themselves into place
7) to express disapproval of something or someone and criticise it
8) full of yearning or sad desire
9) having a calm, serious and proper manner that is worthy of respect
10) completely fascinated and fully absorbed in something one is seeing or hearing