The puppy has a %53 for being brown
A mosquito bite, human response to smack their arm as a way of trying to defend
Addition or deletion of nucleotides in any number besides 3 results in a "frame-shift mutation."
This is because every 3 nucleotides of DNA/mRNA exons codes for a single amino acid in the synthesis of a protein. This triplet codon theory means that if 3 nucleotides are added or deleted then an amino acid will be added or lost, but subsequent codons and amino acids will still be read correctly.
However, if any number of nucleotides other than 3 are added or removed, then the codons following the mutation will be out of "sync," in terms of the reading order.
Hence it is called a frame-shift mutation because it shift the reading frame when translating nucleic acids into proteins. Frame shifts will lead to the wrong amino acids being adding in the wrong order for the rest of the code after the mutation.
The epiglottis is a flap in the back of your tongue that prevents food from entering the larynx. When your mouth is closed, the epiglottis is in place and blocks the larynx opening. If your mouth is open, the flap lifts and the larynx is no longer blocked so you can breathe. This is why it's important to not chew with your mouth open... if you do, then food can go down the larynx by mistake.