Species eveness and species richness
I took the quiz
Answer: While cutting a screen for an aquarium top, you point the scissors away from your body.
You pipette a liquid using a bulb pipette.
You heat a liquid by placing it in a plastic beaker on a hot plate.
We could feed them with another type of food free of silver salts.
When talking about a phenocopy, we are referring to individuals who genotypically should be expressing a determined phenotype, but due to environmental influence, they express another phenotype. This is a non-inheritable phenotype, so it is not considered a mutation.
If we grow thy flies feeding them another type of food that does not include silver salts, and let them mate and reproduce, they will express the real phenotype, because they will not be influenced by the food. In the following generation, there will be dark individuals carrying the dominant allele, and yellow individuals, with the recessive genotype.
The complete question is:
If these organisms were arraigned in a food pyramid, which organism would have the least amount of total energy available?
- Producers
- Carnivore
- Herbivores
- Top predators
Answer: Top predators
The top predators get the least energy because according to the 10 per cent law the energy transfer only 10 energy is transferred to the next successive level.
The next level of the organism receives only 10 of the total energy that the previous level has.
Hence, the top predators have the least amount of energy in it as the energy is transferred through various levels before reaching top predators.
During digestion, the chemical energy found in our food can be converted to many different forms.
The chemical energy in food can be converted to another form of chemical energy when it is stored as glucose or fat. It can be converted to thermal energy because our body produces heat when disgusting our food.
I majored in Biology