During the long voyage, Darwin made many observations that helped him form his theory of evolution. For example: He visited tropical rainforests and other new habitats where he saw many plants and animals he had never seen before
Not everyone speaks the same language, nor can anyone speak everything single language. It can be tough communicating with people of different languages. Sometimes the best we can do to communicate is pointing, using symbols, and watching there body language. although we all may not speak the same language, we all do speak the same body language.
Mark Antony, the famous Roman Senator and one of the Triumvirs during the Second Triumvirate, the time of transition of Rome from Republic to Empire, was best know for two things; the first, having been the lover of Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt, after his best friend, Julius Caesar, and the second, for his deep friendship with Caesar himself. From 54 B.C, when Antony was elected as tribune, he dedicated himself to defending Julius Caesar in front of the Senate and became his greatest supporter. In fact, while Julius Ceasar was a dictator in Rome, Antony supported him and in 48 B.C, Antony became part of the Caesarean forces in the Battle of Pharsalus and also made part of the famous Republican Civil War. In 44 B.C, when Caesar assumed his fifth term as consul, Antony became co-consul. After the death of Caesar, Antony had to flee Rome dressed as a slave but came back soon after and took over responsibility over Caesar´s will. But what shows how deeply Antony respected and admired Julius Caesar was B, when Antony gives a speech to the people underlining the greatness of their fallen leader Julius Caesar.
yes it makes the earth a unique planet
This is because the presence of atmosphere helps in the formation of rain