1. I’m not sure.
2. They thought state governments should be more powerful. If you mean one of the branches it might be Judicial, not totally sure though.
3. Father of the Country?
I’m so sorry I’m probably no help but I tried haha good luck!
In the event of the president's death during the term or resignation, the vice president becomes president, followed by the Speaker of the House.
Constantinopole was located in a geographic crossroad , its position was strategic and it´s still so for Turkey under its current name, Istambul.
Because of this location , the capital of the Byzantine Empire was able to receive cultural influences from Europe and Asia, from many countries. Though it was a major theological center of Christianity and a heir to Grecorroman culture, its location got it exposed to Islamic, Turkic, Persian, Caucasian, European and Jewish influences. Because it was the last point of the trade routes with Asia and one of the ending posts of the Silk Road, Constantinopole was a cosmopolitan metropolis for a good part of its history.
Small villages surrounded by agricultural fields is the correct answer.
For agriculture,and China people really favour rice,so if there is no land,there wouldn't be an exact place for them to plant for production of rice.