Classical conditioning
Classical conditioning was proposed by Ivan Pavlov that informed in the psychology as learning of behaviorism. Classical conditioning is also called the learning of behavior where the conditioned stimulus is associated with the unconditional stimulus to produce a behavior response.
For example, To teach dogs with the sound of buzzer being fed is based on classical conditioning.
There are different type of behavior therapy are used to modify the behavior of a person such as desensitization, flooding, etc.
A bicameral parliament is one that contains two separate assemblies who must both agree when new laws are made.
A dissenting opinion can be important because they show how the Supreme Court has reached their opinion(s).
Dissents provide an explanation on the thought processes of the justices who did not agree with the majority opinion and why they did not agree- also providing insight to the majority/concurring opinions of the other justices.
Cross-sectional research method
The Cross-sectional research method is a method of observational study design. Here, in this study the experimenter or the researcher measures and studies the outcome and and exposures in the study participants in the same time.
In the context, An experimenter studies the heredity and the intelligence of the MZ twins who are reared together and for those who are reared apart. The findings of the experiment made by the researcher is a result of a cross sectional research method in this case.
The answer is Subregion 4.