Sisters ? In plural?
Then you would use VOUS
Bye buddy
Le cours de français commence à neuf heures.
Je rentre à la maison à dix-sept heures .
Je dîne à dix-neuf heures .
Je regarde la télévision à vingt heures.
J'étudie à dix-sept heures et trente minutes ..
the first one is correct
Question word, subject, verb, question mark .
Est-ce que is never used with a question word .....
Est-ce que vous sortez ? means are you going out.....
you can also say : Sortez-vous ?
but est-ce que is more commonly used
Bonjour !!
<em>how would I ask my neighbor's </em><u><em>ten-years-old</em></u><em> his first name ?</em>
if he is only 10 years old, I'm not going to use the formal form of "you" => "vous"
I'll use the unformal form of "you" which is "tu" <em>(2nd pers. sing.)</em>
<em />
A- Quel est ton prénom ? <em>(what is your first name ?)</em>
B- Quel est ton nom ? <em>(what's your name ?)</em>
A- <em>Comment vous-appelez-vous ? </em>
<em>(FALSE because you won't use "vous de politesse = formal you)</em>
B- Quel est ton nom de famille ? <em>(what is your family name ? FALSE because the question says "ask his first name....)</em>
hope this helps ☺☺☺
Hi !!
Before it was stormed the "Bastille" was a fortress known as the "Bastille Saint Antoine".
It used to be a state prison for the kings of France
Formerly it was called "Fort et Bastide Saint Antoine lez Paris" (built between 1356 and 1358) .I'm sorry, my English is too poor to explain what 'bastide' means.. but the word 'Bastille' is derived from it. A 'bastide' is a mansion in south of France or an element of a fortification. So it was just a small castle with two towers.
In 1367 the king Charles VII decided to build fotifications around it to make a real castle with walls around it and eight towers.
The story is quite long....
When Louis XI became king of France, it began to be occasionnally a prison.
Le cardinal de Richelieu officially turned it into a jail around 1600.
well anyway, before it was stormed, La Bastille was a fortress and was used as a prison ....
Hope this will help :)